We are one yet we are different
All from Noah’s Ark we trace our bloodlines
Our skin tone darkened with the paths our ancestors walked
Does not change the color of blood that seeps through our flesh.

We are all one yet we are different
Darker does not connote a smaller brain
Whiter does not connote a devilish grin
There is good and bad in all the races.
All the tribes have persecuted and burnt at the stake people who are different.

We are all innocent yet guilty
Looking away whilst our brother is murdered.
We close our doors when our sisters cry out in pain from rape
The blood we shed will stain our lands and destroy our crops

God sees no race, no color, no tribe, and no gender
The Rains fall on both Black, Brown and White
Yet we choose a life of separation
Beating drums of disgust because our skin color differs
Laying waste to ourselves in segregated policies out of ignorance.

We are one yet we are different
All from Noah’s Ark we trace our bloodlines
Untainted by Hate we reached for the stars in Babel
Cursed by our treachery we grip for redemption in our homes.
The Human Race ……seeking to destroy itself from within.
